Easter means we never need different dots.

Published: April 23, 2023, 10 a.m.

Easter Sunday wasn’t simply another start to another week. It was the first day of something brand new. A new day had dawned, a day that has no dusk. The sun still has not set on Jesus’ victory, and it never will. This week we celebrate that, when God’s Son rose with redemption, the sun set on despair. Easter demonstrates that Jesus’ suffering and death were not some sad, unfortunate detour that had to be overcome on his way to glory. Rather, it was a necessary and indispensable part of his path as the world’s Savior. In the same way, Easter demonstrates God’s ability to use the circumstances in our lives that would most cause us despair to serve his saving purposes for us. Jesus’ resurrection turns the very things that would otherwise give us despair into sources of hope.