Don't get stumped by what's at the surface.

Published: Dec. 4, 2022, 10 a.m.

Everyone wants to be home for Christmas. Whether you’ll be home this Christmas or not, God offers us an even better definition of “home,” and he offers it to us for more than one day. He is always with us so that we never have to be without him. This week we hear how Jesus administers God’s justice. While the world obsesses over whether or not, visible and outward acts of good are rewarded and evil are punished, Jesus’ justice goes much deeper. He sees into our very hearts and knows our every sin. As a result, we can only come to him in humble repentance, pleading for his mercy. Thankfully, we find the mercy we need in the same Savior who judges us. He faced the axe of God’s judgment in our place. As a result, we find peace and rest in him.