Between here and heaven, we'll go through hell.

Published: Feb. 28, 2021, 10 a.m.

Some things can be salvaged. Some can be revived. Some can be restored. But sometimes, the only way to deal with something is to bury it. This is true of many things in our lives, including our misguided desires, misdirected ambition, and our misplaced hopes. However, like a small and seemingly-lifeless seed planted in the ground, life springs forth from this painful but necessary burial. This week we see how following Jesus means dying to gain. Jesus tells us that all who follow him must be willing to lose all else if necessary. Our desire to gain other worldly things must be put to death. However, Jesus promises that this painful loss brings about real and eternal gain. Whoever is willing to lose his life for Jesus will end up finding a much better life in exchange.