Because God pressed send at Christmas...

Published: Dec. 24, 2021, 10 a.m.

For the past few weeks, the focus of our worship has been “Christmas Up Close and Personal.” We’ve seen how God often acts in ways that seem small, forcing us to get close in order to see the big things he is doing. God’s habit of working in this way is epitomized at Christmas. On this night, God gave the gifts of unconditional love, unbreakable peace, untouchable hope, and unending joy – and all for the whole world. However, these enormous gifts were all wrapped up in a package so small. They came in the form of a tiny, helpless child. While that may mean God’s work on this night doesn’t seem all that impressive, it enables us (like the shepherds) to get a good, close look at this child – and all the priceless gifts God delivers in him.