A solution-oriented Savior solves a feelings-oriented problem.

Published: June 27, 2021, 10 a.m.

Judging by appearances, it's easy to conclude that God is either inactive or absent in our world. That's no surprise considering he removed his visible presence from our world long ago. Thankfully, we don't have to trust our eyes to know where God is and what he is up to in our world. God is still at work, especially when it looks like he isn't. This week we see perhaps the greatest example of our eyes lying to us. To our eyes, it seems obvious and indisputable that death is final. Our eyes tell us that death is the end of a person’s life and that our time with them is over. But Jesus calls death sleep. It is something that lasts for a time but from which we will awaken. And not only does Jesus call death sleep. He proves it by demonstrating his divine power over death.