A Light for Peter, for his readers, and for us.

Published: Feb. 19, 2023, 10 a.m.

There are times in life when it feels as though all we can do is “put our heads down” and move forward. It is important, however, that we occasionally stop and look around in order to regain a wider perspective. As we do, Jesus makes sure we're standing in the right spots in order to see life the way he wants us to see it. This week we conclude the season of Epiphany by remembering Jesus’ transfiguration. On top of the mountain where Jesus was transfigured, his disciples saw clearly his identity as God’s Son. That glimpse of glory was important as Jesus began his descent to Jerusalem and the cross. As we begin the solemn season of Lent, we do so with one last lightbulb moment fresh in our minds.