Ep 056 // Burnt

Published: April 18, 2022, noon

Hopefully, you have eaten before listening to this episode because we talk about a lot of food, naturally so because Sage picked the cooking movie, Burnt starring Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller. We kick things off with internet problems once again as Sage has to call into the podcast, we then talk about what actually constitutes a good meal or a fine dining experience, followed up by finally reviewing the movie.

This movie was directed by John Wells.

GD4AM: 46/100

IMDb: 6.6/10

Metacritic: 42/100

RT: 28%

Adam Jones is a chef who destroyed his career with drugs and diva behavior. He cleans up and returns to London, determined to redeem himself by spearheading a top restaurant that can gain three Michelin stars.

This movie is currently available for rent on most VOD platforms.