Ep 024 // Rose Island

Published: May 3, 2021, 3:34 p.m.

This episode features our first international film, but more importantly, a foreign language film we review. Tate picks this 2020 Italian film that is based on true events. That line is key. Later in the episode the anonymous third co-host and Jacob get into somewhat of a heated debate on whether or not deviating from the truth and actual events should impact your opinion of the movie. Tate and Jacob also talk about absolute freedom and conditional freedom. We cover a lot of random stuff in here.

This movie was directed by Sydney Sibilia.

GD4AM: 80/100

IMDb: 7.0/10

Metacritic: N/A

RT: 78%

Based on the true story of Giorgio Rosa and the tiny nation he founded in 1968 off the Rimini coast, embodying a generation's dreams and aspirations.

Currently streaming on Netflix.