Shadow Work, Shadow Self and How to Deal With It

Published: June 28, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Shadow work, exploration of your inner darkness/the dark side in your subconsciousness mind, is one of the deepest spiritual practices that you can touch, dear. This is where you need total acceptance. Total openness. And lots of courage mixed with compassion. But it all starts with the awareness - awareness to know more about it. So let's start this awareness journey with this episode and learn more about shadow self, shadow work and the ways how we actually do it. JOIN MYSTIC QUEENS CIRCLE Find here free goodies, newsletter with astrological news and deep personal development courses: ( OUR INSTAGRAM Join for daily motivational posts and deep messages @mysticqueenscircle or (CLICK HERE) OUR FB GROUP We are creating a spiritual community for engagement called ("Simple Spirituality with Mystic Queens Circle" ). Find us on FB and join us. Keep shining your light to the world, beautiful soul <3 Warmest, (Diana Baltru)