Gobbledygeek 180, "The ComiXology Ludology (feat. Greg Sahadachny)"

Published: April 17, 2014, 3:39 a.m.

The Debatable Podcast's Greg Sahadachny has bullied his way onto another podcast. This time, he forces Paul and AJ to discuss storytelling in video games, and whether or not harder games are more fulfilling than easy ones. Throughout this, the words "ludology" and "narratology" are bandied about as if anyone involved has the faintest idea of what they mean. Before the games discussion, the gang talks about Amazon's acquisition of comiXology and what that might mean for the world's premiere platform for digital comics; after, they get into this week's shocking Game of Thrones and--of course--the nature of spoilers.

Next: for the first time in a while, the Geek Challenge rears its challenge-y head.