Gobbledygeek 162, “Gobbledygeek Versus The BastardCast Versus Gobbledygeek (feat. Jason Tabrys and Jeremy R! Hudson)”

Published: Nov. 9, 2013, 5:15 p.m.

It has long been foretold by mad prophets clinging to their tattered robes, wild eyes staring at the heavens: "HE WILL RETURN!" As blood-red clouds gather on the horizon and lightning cracks the sky in two, he descends on his rainbow death unicorn. Jason Tabrys licks a lollipop made of skulls, dragging behind him Jeremy R! Hudson, who claws at the earth in a futile attempt to avoid his fate. That's right: the BastardCast duo lays siege to Gobbledygeek this week, gods of mischief exploding chaos all over what is normally such a tight, well-ordered show. Ahem. Jason and Jeremy join Paul and AJ to talk angry badgers (whom AJ is the victim of), The Walking Dead (which AJ is insufferable about), and the state of the comic book industry (wherein AJ is not

particularly victimized or offensive, rather they all have a thoughtful, fascinating conversation sure to enrich your understanding of the quintessentially American business of show). Plus, badgers, did I mention badgers? There are badgers.

Next: badgers. Or, alternatively, Thor: The Dark World.