Gobbledygeek 100, "The Best (and Worst) of Bat-Turkey"

Published: June 16, 2012, 3:19 a.m.

That's right, gobblers. 100 episodes. Who'da thunk it? Not us, that's for sure. If you're a long-time fan of the show, we've got a nice trip down memory lane for you, and if you're new to our ridiculousness, this is a great primer/history lesson/greatest hits CD. The boys play snippets from various episodes throughout the show's run, going all the way back to our extremely painful first episode. These things used to be three hours long! And live! Wow. You'll also hear some of Paul's finest rants, the boys attempting to tackle the issue of feminism in pop culture, AJ's fascination with dinosaur-on-dinosaur erotica, and our chats with guests like K. Dale Koontz and Ernie Cline. Plus, some old friends drop by to share their thoughts on the show.