Your biggest challenge for fluency in English

Published: Sept. 28, 2015, 7:45 a.m.







Episode transcript below:




Hey! How are you doing?


Today, I have a question for you, and you\\u2019re going to give me your answer.


See, usually in these quick English tip videos that I\\u2019ve been making three times a week every week this


year, I tell you some information. But this time, it\\u2019s different.


This time, I want to ask you, the Go Natural English audience, a really important question. I want to


know the best way to move forward with the Go Natural English YouTube channel, podcast and


blogpost at


So, I want to ask you what is your biggest challenge in English? Please, take a minute right now and leave


a comment on this video to tell me what is your biggest challenge in English. And moving forward the


rest of this year, I\\u2019ll create my best English quick tip answers to help you and the Go Natural English


community here online.


So, I really appreciate your answer. I will read each and every one and do my best to respond, especially


to the ones that will help many people.


So please, take a minute and leave a comment telling me what is your biggest challenge in English.


Thank you so much. This is a huge help. And it\\u2019ll make me really happy to see your comment.


So, thanks in advance for that.


Alright, I\\u2019ll see you real soon.


Bye for now.


The post Your biggest challenge for fluency in English appeared first on Go Natural English.
