The First Thing You Need for Fluency in English

Published: Sept. 30, 2015, 10:28 a.m.







Episode transcript below:




Hey! How are you doing? In this episode of Go Natural English, I\\u2019m going to share a number one


thing that you need for English fluency.


The first thing that you need first and foremost is not a textbook. It\\u2019s not even a lesson.


What you need\\xa0to know is why you are learning English.


I help you to understand what you need to say in English,\\xa0how you should say it, how you can learn English, but what I can\\u2019t tell you is why you are learning\\xa0English.


That has to come from inside you.\\xa0And I want to know what is your reason why you want English fluency.


This is so important for you to\\xa0think about and to know, because it will keep you motivated, it will keep you going when English\\xa0becomes challenging.


And let\\u2019s face it, English can be really challenging.


So, we have to ask ourselves


why do we want to be fluent in English.


I receive thousands of e-mails from people asking me, \\u2018Gabby, how do I become fluent in English?\\u2019


And I\\u2019m happy to help you.


That\\u2019s why I\\u2019m here.


But you can help me by thinking about and telling me\\xa0in the comments right here why do you want to be fluent in English.


Why? Really, ask yourself why, and then ask yourself why again.


I ask myself this with Go Natural\\xa0English, \\u2018Why do I want to help people become fluent in English?\\u2019


Well, I think it\\u2019s great to be able to\\xa0communicate and connect with people, I think it will help you in your professional life, maybe to get a\\xa0better job, to work overseas, to travel.


You can make more friends if you speak English. It will even\\xa0give you confidence and help you with your personal development in life. It will bring you knowledge.


You can learn about the world through English.


There\\u2019s lots of reasons why I love teaching English to you through Go Natural English.


But really the\\xa0number one reason why is freedom.


I created Go Natural English so that I could have more freedom\\xa0as a teacher.


But I also created it to give you more freedom\\xa0 as an English learner, because you can\\xa0learn with Go Natural English anywhere anytime.


That\\u2019s freedom. You can self-study, and you can\\xa0interact and ask questions, and you can practice together with our on-line community.


You can join a\\xa0paid Premium Class, and you can learn more and have the freedom to do that anywhere anytime.


And\\xa0it gives you the freedom and opportunity to do more and achieve your goals through English.


That\\u2019s my \\u2018why\\u2019. I want to know your \\u2018why\\u2019.


So please, take two minutes, think about why you\\u2019re\\xa0learning English and tell me.


Tell me please, I really want to know.


Now, moving forward. Things are changing a little bit here on the Go Natural English YouTube\\xa0channel.


I\\u2019ve thought about why I\\u2019m helping people learn English at Go Natural English, and I think\\xa0that moving forward, we can improve by going deeper with each English tip episode.


So, from October, moving forward October 2015, we\\u2019re going to have one longer episode every week


where I go deeper into answering one of your questions.


So, next week, we\\u2019re going to go deep learning several points (I can\\u2019t even count them all, there\\u2019s so


many) on how to become fluent in English.


So, I hope you come back, I hope you check out the episode, and I hope you love it so much that you


watch it, you share it with your friends and that you comment on it too.


So now, you know my \\u2018why\\u2019, you know what\\u2019s going on moving forward with Go Natural English.


I\\xa0hope that you enjoy it, and I hope to hear from you to learn your \\u2018why\\u2019.


Please, share it with us. We\\xa0want to know.


Alright. So, I look forward to seeing your comment real soon.


Bye for now.


The post

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