Student Opinion of Go Natural English Premium Members Courses

Published: Nov. 20, 2015, 9:09 a.m.









Episode transcript below:




It\\u2019s so good to see you.


I\\u2019m so happy to see you.


Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you.


Please, ask me anything that you\\u2019d like.




I have four questions for you.


The first one is I\\u2019d like to know nowadays, what is your biggest challenge with English?




Speaking, okay.


Just speaking in conversation or for business, or for using English with friends?


Is there something specifically that you\\u2019re having a problem with or a challenge with?


Not work, for wok, just I want to make what I mean clear.


Yes. Express yourself.




Okay, I understand.


And I think the more phrases that you become familiar with and you can understand more phrases and then use more phrases to express yourself specifically.


So that\\u2019s your biggest challenge: to express yourself, what you mean to say.


Do you think about using examples?


Because I think examples are very powerful to show what you mean.


So, if I say, \\u2018Do many tourists come to Japan?\\u2019, would you say \\u2018Yes\\u2019 or \\u2018No\\u2019?


Maybe \\u2018Yes, many tourists come to Japan.\\u2019


But you can express yourself with an example, like, \\u2018Oh, the last time I went to Kyoto, I went to \\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\xad\\u2013Kiyomizu-dera, and I saw so many people. People everywhere.\\u2019


So, examples are really powerful.


Do you feel like you use examples sometimes?




Okay, great.


Sometimes it takes me time to consider what to say.


But let me ask you why are you learning with Go Natural English?


At first, I learned from Fluent in 15.


Okay, yes.


It was very wonderful experience.


Thank you.


I didn\\u2019t have much opportunity to listen to native English speakers\\u2019 composition.


So, I thought I had to get used to listen more.


So, that\\u2019s great experience.




Okay, so\\u2026


Oh, go ahead.


No, I reviewed each pack.




Okay, great.


Let me ask you my third question.


So, what are three things that you like about Go Natural English courses?


Just three things for example.


Three things that you like.


First, your English is very easy to understand for me.




Very clear.


And your advice.


Thanks to you, I get a very useful mind-set.


At first, I was very annoyed making mistakes.


But you always encourage us, \\u2018Don\\u2019t be afraid to make mistakes.\\u2019


So, I have gotten very positive mind-set.


So now, I\\u2019m expert of making mistakes.


I love that. That\\u2019s wonderful.


And second is now, learning with English Insider, I practice pronunciation.


I watch your mouth and tongue moving and how to make sound.


So, that\\u2019s very useful for me.


And third is Go Natural English Facebook.


I think that is very great community, because there are many people with different backgrounds.


So, I can learn not only English, but also very wide programs in the world.




So, it\\u2019s very great experience for me.


That\\u2019s wonderful.


I\\u2019m so happy to hear those three things that you like.


Thank you for that.


Thank you about that.


I really want to understand your experience and to improve the course.


So I think it\\u2019s really helpful to know where to put my time and my energy to make the course better.


So, I really appreciate that.


I really appreciate your opinion.


Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning.


I really enjoyed company with you.


Thank you.


And I thank you for providing us with very interesting and useful programs.


Thank you.


I\\u2019ll do my best to continue and to make them better too.


Thank you so much.


