Is your English class hurting your fluency?

Published: Nov. 13, 2015, 1:06 p.m.







Episode text below:




Hey, Go Natural English learner!


How are you doing?


I\\u2019m so happy you\\u2019re here today.


We\\u2019re going to talk about classroom English versus real life English and how they\\u2019re not the same.


Maybe you\\u2019ve thought about this before.


Of course, classroom English is different from real life English, but how are they different and how could you actually be hurting your English fluency by learning in the classroom?


It seems so counterintuitive: you want to study English, you sign up for English class, you go to your class every day, you learn from a good teacher, why are you still not fluent in English?


These are the thought that you might be having in your own head.


So, let\\u2019s talk about it a little bit.


I taught English as a second language in a classroom for over ten years.


That\\u2019s right, ten years.


So, I know what it\\u2019s like.


And I did my best to help my English learners to become fluent in English.


But the fact is inside the classroom is not the real world.


We can do role plays, we can pretend, we can act, we can do theatre, and that\\u2019s really fun, and they are all great ways to learn, especially at the beginning levels of English, but when you are ready to become and advanced, fluent English language speaker, you need to get out in the real world, you need to get out of the classroom.


Here\\u2019s why.


The classroom is rigid, the classroom is its own real world, its own bubble.


In the classroom, you\\u2019re going to learn more classroom English, such as \\u2018Turn to page twenty,\\u2019 such as \\u2018Please, raise your hand,\\u2019 such as \\u2018Any questions?\\u2019


These are phrases that you don\\u2019t always hear on daily basis in the real world.


Sure you might hear them, but it\\u2019s going to be more likely that you hear something different, like \\u2018Hey, what\\u2019re you doing? Where\\u2019re you going? What\\u2019re you up to?\\u2019


And these are phrases that\\u2026


They\\u2019re a little bit casual for most English teachers to be teaching.


Now, maybe you have a really great English teacher, and yes, I was a pretty good English teacher, but the thing is we often have to use textbooks, and textbooks can be quite rigid.


And the time we have in the classroom is limited.


So, as teachers we can\\u2019t always cover natural, conversational, casual English in the classroom.


When you learn English in a classroom with an English teacher, that English teacher might be an amazing English teacher, but they might only have experience as an English teacher, not in the specific area that you want to learn English for.


For example, if you want to become a doctor, you want to learn medical English.


Or if you want to have conversational English, maybe out in the world, like in a bar or a restaurants, well, sure your English teacher might have experience in bars and restaurants, but in the classroom, they\\u2019re probably not focusing on English for the bar.


Anyway, other specific examples.


If you want to be a pilot, a flight attendant, these are English for specific purposes.


So, you may want to find a course or a teacher that helps you in those areas.


If you\\u2019re preparing for a test, find a teacher who can help you with those areas.


So perhaps, you have a course or a tutor that can help you, but just be aware of what you want to learn, what are your goals and can your teacher, can your class, can your textbook help you with those.


Another thing is inside the classroom, conversations can seem a bit forced, scripted.


You might be reading examples from a textbook, and then, your teacher calls on you, and you know you have to answer.


But in real life, how do you know when to join the conversation?


I find this is a big issue for a lot of English learners.
