S3 E.11 Choosing Kindness | A Conversation with Kind Campaign Co-Founders Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson

Published: Oct. 7, 2021, noon

This week’s episode is a dream come true! Adriana and Mariah welcome founders of the Kind Campaign this week, Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson. Kind Campaign is a foundation that has been close to Adriana’s heart since the beginning of Little Words Project, and one that inspired her to start the company. Join us this week as we talk about the origins of Kind Campaign, getting through difficult times, standing up for others, apologies, social media, and so much more. Also, be on the lookout for LWP’s collab with Kind Campaign, launching next week! 

Important Times

8:05 - Welcome Lauren and Molly! And LWP’s connection to Kind Campaign

12:15 - Origins of Kind Campaign

18:32 - Leaning on people when you are struggling

31:40 - Standing up for others and why Lauren and Molly started Kind Campaign

39:56 - Apologies and healing 

50:40 - Social media informing the way kids are treated

54:40 - Advice on navigating social media for our children

58:42 - What can you say to your kids to help strengthen their self worth

Where to find us




Where to find Kind Campaign 


