Oppenheimer: What Does The Story Tell Us | Dr. Rachel Bronson

Published: Aug. 17, 2023, 3:41 p.m.

b'\\u201cOppenheimer\\u201d: What Does The Story Tell Us About Existential Threats Then and Now with Dr. Rachel Bronson | August 16, 2023\\n\\nA conversation about this summer\'s blockbuster biopic "Oppenheimer" and the consequences of powerful technologies that provide opportunity and peril to humanity. Dr. Bronson talked with TNWAC president emeritus Patrick Ryan about the movie, the role of The Bulletin and the modern threats posed by technology.\\n\\nDr. Rachel Bronson is president and CEO of The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (TheBulletin.org)\\n\\nRead Dr. Bronson\'s op-ed: https://tinyurl.com/ycye2x29 \\nRead about the Tularosa Downwinders (those affected by the Trinity atomic test) https://www.trinitydownwinders.com \\nRead Dr. Bronson\'s bio: https://thebulletin.org/biography/rac...\\n\\nThe Bulletin keeps track of the \\u201cDoomsday Clock,\\u201d and every January reminds us how close we are to midnight. This year the clock ticked closer. "A time of unprecedented danger: It is 90 seconds to midnight," January 2023 \\u201cDoomsday Clock\\u201d Statement'