Episode 4.2 - The Great Cheetos Quandary

Published: Aug. 14, 2013, 8 p.m.

b'Things get HEATED this week on GleeKast as Erica and Emily argue the age-old question of the difference between Cheetos and Cheese Doodles. It\'s more intense than a Brittany beatdown on a stereotypical Jewish
kid (Happy Yom Kippur! Maybe?). Also, the ladies answer lots of questions regarding Brooklyn, discuss a few new or returning fall shows, and argue about pizza. Come to think of it, this is a rather combative episode of GleeKast. And would you really have it any other way? Send your feedback to gleekast@gmail.com and discuss your heart\'s desires on our Facebook page. Or just answer our burning question about Cheetos vs. Cheese Doodles.'