Episode 2.13 - Color Me Glee

Published: Aug. 8, 2013, 6:15 p.m.

b'How does one locate cat poop when it\\u2019s not in a litterbox? Are all kids with cancer full of smiles and cheer? When is a lesbian love ballad not about lesbians? And just how scarring a life experience is seeing Justin Bieber in concert for adult women? These questions and more get asked and occasionally answered on this installment of GleeKast, where Erica and Emily delve con mucho gusto into Comeback, an episode that seems to only have poco gusto. We still get to practice our Spanish though, so that\\u2019s a plus. Answer our spicy question of the week over at palavr.com, where the forum boards are buzzing with all sorts of life-changing topics and listener-provided brilliance. Send your feedback to gleekast@gmail.com if you don\\u2019t want us to contemplate sue-icide via gummy vitamins. See you next week, unless we bump into each other before at Kids \\u2018R Us or the place where all the cool kids will henceforth roam, Color Me Mine. We\\u2019ll even lend you a t-shirt (I hear Erica has one from the J. Biebs concert she went to\\u2026)'