Episode 18: Ninety Four Interview

Published: Jan. 22, 2019, midnight

GGC x NinetyFour Magazine Earlier this year Laura Maginess caught up with Laura Reilly and Niahla Rutherford, the duo behind millennial magazine NinetyFour. Now with 2 magazines launched, this driven pair have big plans for NinetyFour. If you are just starting out in the creative industry and are looking to set up valuable collaborations (whether that be as a features writer, photographer, designer etc) for experience and your portfolio or maybe you are interested to hear about the journey behind making a magazine, then this is the podcast for you! Follow NinetyFour Magazine: Insta: @ninetyfourmag Facebook: @NinetyFourMag www.ninetyfourmagazine.com The Collective Glasgow is a group for smart women looking to make new friends. Whether you're new to Glasgow, snowed under with work or finding your friends are moving on round about you, The Collective Glasgow offers events where you can meet like-minded women and find your tribe. We have events planned in great venues across Glasgow and are a growing group of great women. Find The Collective Glasgow on Facebook and Instagram. https://www.facebook.com/groups/730214437325696/ https://instagram.com/thecollectiveglasgow?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=bkwpr61cnul1