How to Get Healthy Hair

Published: March 11, 2019, 4:25 p.m.

Longer Stronger Hair Starts Here

I think most of us put our hair through some serious beating! With everything from air conditioning to heating, to the weather, chlorine, salt water, coloring, hairbands, hairdryers, straighteners and curling irons! I’m definitely guilty of all of those!

I’ve always wanted long, super blonde hair but the struggle is real. I’ve yanked it back in tight buns, heat styled and backcombed for pageants, photoshoots, and competitions, and dyed it for 20 years! Plus swimming in pools and the ocean don’t help.  I’ve been on a mission to grow it! I’ve wasted money on crap that doesn’t work as well investing in things that do with the advice of my hairdresser friends and obviously still having regular trims to get rid of split ends.

So to save you time and money experimenting; here’s 5 things that I’ve found the most effective, affordable, and easy, to achieve healthier hair. Trust me-Your hair will thank you for it!

Top 5 Tips For Healthier Hair

If I had to pick just one, it’d be Olaplex. If you’re already using this hit the fast forward 30 seconds icon. 1 of my Australian friends introduced me to this 5 or 6 years ago and I’ve used no 1, 2 & 3 ever since. It’s a 3-part system that repairs the bonds in your hair to give you stronger, healthier, shinier hair over time.

The next time you book your color, ask your hairdresser if they can use step 1 & step 2 when they do your color and then do step 3 weekly at home, which you can buy online and I’ll link in the show notes. The directions say to leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes but I throw it up in a bun, put a shower cap on and leave it in for hours (when I have time at home and am not planning on leaving the house or seeing anyone). The lotion is easy to apply and doesn't drip or make a mess, which is always a bonus!

I’ll only recommend cruelty-free products on the show and Olaplex is cruelty free, 100% vegan, non-toxic and free of silicone, sulfates, phthalates, DEA, aldehydes, gluten free (and no I’m not sponsored by Olaplex-I wish!). I noticed a difference after the 1st time my hairdresser colored my hair using it, as there was way less breakage and it withstood being platinum for over a year.

The next tip is easy; it’s really worth investing in a satin pillowcase to sleep on (not sure what else you’d do with a pillow case but just to be clear). This also has the double benefit of being kind to both your hair and your skin. It helps you hair by minimizing friction and breakage when you move in the night and it helps your skin by preventing the pillow marks you often get from other materials. It's easier to work on anti-aging prevention than reversing the signs of aging, I wish I’d started using these much sooner as I can’t sleep on my back like they say is best for your skin; I’m a stomach sleeping face planter.

This tip doesn’t cost anything! Rather than letting your hair go everywhere at night, tie it up loosely with a soft scrunchie to prevent breakage and friction while you sleep.

Ditch the elastics!!! I think we all know this but switch out hair elastics if you’re still using them for either scrunchies – not necessarily to go out in but at least for the gym and around the house, or my favorite if you can’t face scrunchies is ribbon hair ties which you can get in a similar color to your hair and don’t get tangled in there to prevent breakage, tangles and it also helps prevent that dent we get in our hair when we tie it up with regular elastics.

The last tip is the hardest but there’s no escaping this one or short cuts; it’s healthy eating. When you nourish the hair by feeding it from the inside out, that’s when you get your healthiest hair, so make sure your food is nutrient and vitamin dense, that you’re getting enough protein, iron, and healthy fats.

That’s It!

Ok, those are my simple, easy to do tips. No miracle pills or rocket science.

This episode is also available to watch on YouTube or to listen to on Glamour & Gains podcast (all linked below).


Eve Dawes is a fitness professional, WBFF Pro Diva, NASM & REPS certified trainer, Founder of Dawes Custom Cosmetics an all-natural, cruelty-free cosmetic line and


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