Night Moves (1975)

Published: July 24, 2020, 11 a.m.


Gene Hackman in the 1970s sure was something. We're joined by first-time-on-the-pod guest Clay Von Carlowitz, who comes bearing gifts in the form of 1975's Night Moves - a film neither Frank or Matt had ever seen before (nor had Frank even heard of before) which always makes for a treat of an episode. It's a grizzly, tangled web of a mystery story where things are not what they seem (I know they always say that, but in this case the things that don't seem what they seem don't even seem what they seem to seem, you get me?)

Night Moves is something of a commentary on the detective noir genre popularized in the 1930s and 40s. Gene Hackman stars as Harry Moseby. If you ever asked yourself...I wonder what it looks like to see Gene Hackman legitimately try to flirt with someone then this is the episode for you.

Clay is an actor and screenwriter out of New York City, co-founder of Abandoned House Productions and fellow lover of all the hidden gems of cinema. Follow him on IG @clayvoncarlowitz and check out his work at

