Episode 24 - Season 1 Finale

Published: Nov. 25, 2021, 3:49 p.m.

b"We are wrapping up this season and next year we will be back with video podcasts. We will still have audio on this platform but you can see our lovely faces on YouTube!

Check out John Hargrave\\u2019s books on Crypto, they\\u2019re great!

People don\\u2019t let lack of quality scare them from putting their work out there\\u2026

Excellence is irrelevant if you\\u2019re on the sidelines

New season of Star Trek Discovery is out!!!

Its difficult to do work, even when its work you want to do. Well, getting the work started is the hard part

The Sun makes things difficult\\u2026

Tips for starting a podcast
- Plan your shows as far in advance as possible
- Have fun and be honest
- A treated space is better than high end gear
- Know how to use your gear
- Good editing does wonders for your show
- Stay away from copyright music in your show
- Be unique and stay in your lane

People like a hero\\u2019s journey

Firehouse\\u2019s cherry limeade is amazing!!!

What happened to KFC?

Olive Garden, issa no for us

Firehouse or Publix? Leave a comment

A meatball sub is not a real sub

Greatness is built on top of failure

Michae is going to do standup next year

Hamilton reference

Every business should have a commercial

See y'all next year!!"