Episode 21 - Its Been a Long Time (The Gum Episode)

Published: May 14, 2021, 7:48 p.m.

b'Welcome back to the podcast after a long hiatus!
In this episode, hosts Michae and Quintell discuss a range of topics, from their business structure to their love for Nicolas Cage.

They also share some tips on how to keep children quiet, as well as their excitement about being empty nesters from 9am - 2pm (on school days). The hosts also delve into the pros and cons of having multiple kids versus having just one.

Listeners get a glimpse into the real reason why Michae and Quintell started the podcast and why they believe everyone should have one. They also reveal their plans for introducing video content.

Quintell is currently reading \\u2018Medical Apartheid\\u2019 by Harriett A. Washington, while Michae is reading \\u2018How Not to Be Wrong\\u2019 by Jordan Ellenberg. However, the hosts do take a break to discuss gum for an unusually long time, but also promise to keep their listeners engaged with a show every week.
Listeners will be entertained by their last gum story and will learn an interesting fact about how many pieces of small gum make up a normal-sized piece of gum. Lastly, the hosts share their fondness for vintage gum.

Stay tuned for more exciting episodes in the future!

We\\u2019ve been absent from these podcast streets for a while! Today Michae & Quintell talk about:
- Why we haven\\u2019t done a show in a while
- Their business structure
- Ways to keep our children quiet
- Excitement about being empty nesters from 9am - 2pm
- Having multiple kids vs. 1 kid
- The real reason why we even have a podcast
- You should have a podcast too!!
- We have a thing for Nicolas Cage
- Video is on the way!!!
- Quintell is reading \\u2018Medical Apartheid\\u2019
- Michae is reading \\u2018How Not to Be Wrong\\u2019
- Warning! Michae & Quintell talk about gum for about 7 -8 minutes (an unreasonably long period of time to be discussing gum and the talk about something else and then circle back to gum!!!!) Its really only 5 minutes but that\\u2019s still too long
- \\u2026and they sing the Big Red theme song
- We promise to have a show for y\\u2019all weekly
- Plans for the show going forward
- One last gum story before we go
- How many pieces of small gum make up a normal sized piece of gum?
- Vintage gum
