Episode 18 - Does the Black Voice Actually Exist?

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 4:11 p.m.

b"On this episode, Michae & Quintell talk about:

- Sounding White
- Society needs a neuralizer
- Everybody in New York sounds Black?
- Do Black Brits \\u2018sound Black\\u2019?
- Are Black voices \\u2018heavier\\u2019?
- CCM vs. Gospel
- Black male sopranos have a \\u2018thinner sound\\u2019
- White artists who sing R&B have a \\u2018thicker sound\\u2019
- The process of learning and evolving as an artist
- Your 'why' informs the work that you do
- Never minimize the importance of following instructions
- Networking isn\\u2019t always about pushing your product
- People who get angry about services tailored to Black people
- Check out Equity Matters Podcast
- Acknowledgment > Inclusion
- People\\u2019s hatred of being on the phone
- Audiobooks paint the picture just as well as paper books
- You can miss out on major things by not following instructions!!!"