Ep 60 - Open Night

Published: April 2, 2019, 5:28 p.m.

b'We love having Bud on the show and Bonnie is her usual self. When we brought the show back in 2016, we did a lot of these types of shows in the first year. The freedom of the current podcast environment was awesome. We could say whatever we wanted and go for as long or little as we liked without terrestrial radio restrictions. A lot of people have told us that their favorite part of \\u201cGhostly Talk\\u201d was always the first 30 minutes when we just talked about our week. So we thought we\\u2019d nix the interviews altogether and \\u201cjust talk.\\u201d \\n\\nBut we realized we really missed having cool people on the show to interview about their projects, research or whatever they were working on within the realms of the paranormal. We are constantly tweaking the show\\u2019s direction, so if you were someone who liked that \\u201cfirst 30 minutes,\\u201d enjoy us just rambling.'