Ep 119 - Keith J. Clark | Project St. Peter: Part 3

Published: April 22, 2020, 7:56 p.m.

b'Keith J. Clark of iDigital Medium joins us for part 3 in our ongoing Project St. Peter series. We continue to unpack Lab 1, so if you haven\'t listened to part 1 or 2, we suggest you catch up on those first.\\n\\nWhat is Project St. Peter?\\xa0In 1986 The Metascience Foundation (founded by George Meek) was building a \\u201cCelestial Broadcast System\\u201d - an advanced system of communications.\\xa0 A telepathic trance medium channeled instructions from the science team in \\u201cHeaven\\u201d to the research team on \\u201cEarth.\\u201d The plan was to receive information to assist mankind in our evolution using two pieces of equipment - \\u201cAngel I\\u201d and \\u201cMichael I\\u201d. The research project was code-named: \\u201cProject St. Peter.\\u201d We continue to go through "Lab 1" of the project and try to break down what was happening during these channeled sessions over thirty years ago. Keith will be coming back to go over the other unpublished labs from the project. Were they on to something? Was it real? Is now the time to continue the work?'