29: Assassin Lessons, Sociopathic Masks, Anal Gerbils, Artificial Photosynthesis, Psychoacoustics, and so much more

Published: Aug. 28, 2020, 6 p.m.

b'Hans and Edward explore: the reviews and previews keeping us busy; the recent Gamescom 2020 live stream event; the unfortunate reality of next-generation gaming cash grabs; Part I of our Assassin\\u2019s Creed Lessons About Life series , the correlation between not wearing a mask and sociopathic tendencies; the incredible way psychoacoustics trick the brain; how much data humans generate every single minute; how artificial photosynthesis is the key to infinite power; a useful mixed name generator for mixed race couples; the mysterious world of Gerbilling; how watching porn is great for relationships; how sex dolls are changing the sex trade for the better; and so much more!'