15: Killer Coffee, When People Zol, Cyborg Eyes, Football Sex Dolls, Rule 34 Explained, and so much more!

Published: May 22, 2020, 6:20 p.m.

b'Hans and Edward explore: how much coffee you need to drink in order for your body to shut down, how DMT tests have caused atheists to change their views on religion, South Africa\'s hit songs about Zols and farting MECs, how a South Korean football team "accidentally" used Sex Dolls, the incredible fan made Pok\\xe9mon Dark, what exactly the Internet\'s Rule 34 is about, how science has found evidence of a parallel universe on Earth, the existence of the Snyder cut of Justice League, how science has proved that Robert Pattinson is the world\'s most beautiful man, the woes of casting Batwoman, how great it is to play as the incredible new South African operator in Rainbow Six Siege, how scientists have created the first cyborg eye, what happens when Elon Musk changes his number and you end up with the old one, how most religions consider interest on a loan as a sin, the way in which Netflix is going to handle inactive accounts, and so much more!'