Chris Lema

Published: May 12, 2020, midnight

Blogger, Speaker, Teacher, Mentor, Technologist, and business leader. Find him at @ChrisLema on Twitter.

Episode #007

Chris Lema has been working with WordPress since 2005. Over the years he's been a blogger, a speaker at WordCamps, a coach for WordPress product companies, and the founder of the conference for WordPress business owners, called CaboPress. Today he's the VP of Products at Liquid Web, where he manages the world's first managed platform for WooCommerce stores.

I’m not wasting any time today. I’m here with my friend, Chris Lema. Que pasa, Hermano?


Life is short. Not shorter than my buddy Brian Putman in a booster chair during a Fantasy Football draft at Buffalo Wild Wings. But it’s short.
In a world where masks are now acceptable when going to the bank, and hand sanitizer is being used by the gallon, It’s safe to say our way of living that short life has changed in many ways. 

What hasn’t changed is the fact that we often de-prioritize our health and how we treat our bodies. 
What, you think an airborne virus is going to change that? Is that going to influence the way you eat, the way you sleep, the amount of exercise you get every week? I doubt it. That takes self-respect and valuing your self-worth. It takes commitment and discipline. 

You can continue to bitch and moan about all these social changes we’re all dealing with all you want, but if you don’t commit to changing yourself, it’s likely you’re limiting your overall time to keep complaining. Life is short. Life can be really good. Life is better with you in it. Value yourself and extend the span of time you have here! It goes fast.
Until next time, Get a grip!