#104 - Killing the Post-Lunch Dip

Published: Oct. 14, 2019, 3:29 p.m.

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Stan Walerczyk has done everything in the lighting business, but today he’s here to talk about the color blue. Specifically, he wants to talk about the 480 nanometer wavelength and how it figures into spectrally-enhanced, blue-enriched lighting for human performance. As a member of the Human-Centric Lighting Society he spends most of him trying to research how high kelvin temperatures can be used to help people that operate at night. Mike and Greg prod him about how inconclusive the research seems to be, it’s more about feedback on correlations than strict double-blind data comparisons. Stan shares that frustration, so much of the work in this field gets done by people pushing products, rather than pure researchers; he’d like to be able to offer a daily schedule of ideal color and brightness shifts for your bulbs, but we’re all just stuck adjusting to what feels best. They do touch on a few other issues, like the work going on in non-circadian applications that are more directly related to health, other light hazards, and how humans aren’t the only ones that need lighting accommodations; we need turtle- and seabird-centric lighting as well.