Published: Aug. 25, 2021, 4:01 a.m.

Over the Top in simple is putting in the best efforts to achieve the best results. The four general objectives that can be taken to ensure is.... *Benchmarking* - It's always important to benchmark on ability and look at scaling newer heights.... *Reality Check* - Take every effort in all seriousness and remember it will take the same amount of efforts no matter how many times one many have excelled in the same efforts..... *Excelling at Par or Course over Results* - Every effort has its cause or purpose so work towards its end result achievable it goals or landmarks, ensure to give relevant importance.... *Defining the goal or landmark* - Ensure the result has its value over ones time and efforts.... Follow a simple routine - Go for the next goal over efforts with all the focus and determination to Landmark.... Do follow my podcasts across all platforms or read my blog website at www.georgenathaniel.net Subscribe with an impression...