CALMNESS is not Easy But Possible

Published: Nov. 8, 2021, 4:20 a.m.

Difficulties is a part of everyone's regim,But We still need to Live as Time stops for no-one - Sharing some words of advice of my Father - "What's in store cannot be ignored, accept the truth and find its passage through" - Relating to key takeaway over my life experience and daily routine in understaing that Calmness is possible - Do follow these few things more diligently over daily course ....1. TIME AND PLANNING , 2. PRIORITIES AND ACGIONABLES, 3. BALANCING LIFE, 4.LIVING LIFE'S MOMENTS, 5. NOT GETTING STUCK ON THINGS ..... Mindset is the key and building a strong positive attitude to make things work better is eventual.... do visit my website and my podcasts are available across all platforms - Like , Share, Subscribe or leave a request over my next podcast or blob...Best Wishes, George Nathaniel