GGH 089: Tips From the 2013 Race I

Published: Sept. 14, 2013, 4 a.m.

For the eighty-ninth edition of the GeoGearHeads and discuss some of the tips and tricks posted to the entries in the "." We were excited to try out the new "" function for the first time during this recording with the assistance of . The first of the traveler tips mentioned were from 's "" and "" and a couple tips in their logs from . "" was the next up along with bonus tip from in its logs. 's "" shared a tip seemingly learned from first-hand experience and a tip in the log from . mentioned and the usage he learned about using NeonGeo (also check ) on "." shared some tips on flashlights (check for more on flashlights for Geocaching) on his "" traveler, which also picked up a tip from in its logs. 's travelers ("," "," and "") managed to collect the most tips on their logs including ones from , , , and . Meanwhile released a series of themed travelers into the race – "," "," "," "" – each with its own tip. The "," "," and "" travelers from our own DarrylW4 received a little discussion again, but the add-on tip from got more air time. Tips on those travelers from and were also mentioned. "" by mentioned the "" site. Finally for this week, 's "" shared two more tips. Our thanks again to for supplying many of the gifts for the participants!The live video session from this Google+ Hangout On Air can be found on . Subscribe to the feed: Social Media: Email: