#74 - Monitoring: Why, and How?

Published: March 17, 2021, 5:18 p.m.


In this episode, we talk about Monitoring, what is it about, what to consider in a project roadmap, how to do it and its different types with our guests..






0:02 - Introduction.


0:05 - What is Monitoring?


0:08 - When should monitoring take place?


0:11 - What do we need to monitor ?


0:22 - How we define KPIs - The indicators we need to keep an eye on.


0:25 - How to say that a resource is behaving normally?


0:43 - Monitoring Toolchain (ELK Stack , Prometheus and Grafana)


0:59 - What are the different types of monitoring ?


1:06 - Infrastructure Monitoring vs Application Monitoring


1:14 - What is Observability and how it differs from Monitoring ?


1:17 - What are the big benefits of cloud monitoring solutions VS in house monitoring solutions


1:23 - With the increase in compressed application life cycles, proper monitoring is critical in DevOps. How can we deal with it?


1:40 - Datadog demo


1:50 - Wrap up and goodbye.


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