#57 - Career paths for software developers

Published: Nov. 18, 2020, 9:44 p.m.


In this episode of GeeksBlabla, we discuss with our guests the different career paths for software developers as well as the challenges that aspiring software developers could face in their journey.






0:01 - Introduction.


0:02 - What are the career progressions for software developers/engineers in the tech industry and how much time does it take to progress from one level to another?


0:19 - What are the common mistakes developers and software engineers do in their career?


0:28 - Why learning english is a must when it comes to software engineering?


0:29 - Generalist vs Specialist in the tech industry.


0:35 - A mistake to avoid if you want to be taken seriously as a software engineer/developer.


0:38 - What are the different kinds of companies a software engineer/developer could work for?


0:40 - Tell us about your experience working for a services company and how was the career progression system like?


0:44 - What exactly is a services comapany?


0:49 - The career path of software engineer in a product company.


0:56 - What are the different types of product companies?


0:59 - Career evolutions in product companies.


1:04 - Global Distribution System and why airplane tickets can get very expensive?


1:06 - Software engineers in Startups.


1:10 - How the implementation of General Data Protection Regulation impacted Startups?


1:15 - Advice for Startups employees.


1:18 - What should I look for when it comes to Startup equity?


1:26 - If there are no well-defined rules in a company regarding advancement in the hierarchy, how can we progress?


1:28 - What are the optimal career paths for someone who would like to work in Europe?


1:32 - Freelance career path for software engineers?


1:38 - Public organizations and software engineering.


1:44 - What are the disadvantages of working in public organizations after graduation?


1:46 - How companies invest in your learning/training?


1:57 - How to evolve as an infrastructure junior engineer?


1:59 - Wrap up and goodbye.




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