GeekRant #319 - Current-ish Events

Published: March 21, 2018, 6 a.m.

Seth combed the Interwebs to find the most interesting news stories of the day to talk about... and we didn't ignore them this time!LinksElement Opie Patreon PageAudible Affiliate LinkCastBack+Ready for a new slice of Pi?Malware for Macs march up 270% last year, and no end is in siteBlackberry takes aim at FacebookVoting machines are secure from external threats except remote access softwarerTorrent provides front end for crypto schemeFacebook banned all ads for crypto at end of Jan.Google bans ads related to cryptocurrencyTwitter planning to follow suiteAir taxi drones starting in New Zealand/dev/random:The truth behind The Princess BrideGeekRant #319 - Current-ish Events