Solar Wars

Published: July 1, 2017, 7:01 p.m.

Segment 1 - UGLY TRUTH About Off Grid Solar: Two homesteaders go to war. Derik (Life Inside A Box) & Jessi (Pure Living For Life) are in an epic battle for solar. Derik lives at the end of an Alluvial Fan with his 30k Solar Setup. He makes his points while eating food. Vegans are crazy and go on missions to prove a point. Jessi lives in Idaho not Colorado and on a tight budget. They already had to do the water system twice. They are nice kind people who do not push their points on PPL. The do the best with what they got. My new kind of small solar setup. Segment 2 - YouTube - Jealous YouTuber: RV Travel Buddy Is Jealous of successful YouTubers. He calls them cheaters of life for making money doing something they enjoy. He is upset that it is young ppl and not ppl who work, eat, & sleep retired workers. Segment 3 - BTLC - What Next?: Low support on Geeking Off & Will it ever return? Life is changing quick & time for a new direction. A little history of the channel. Ending Geeking Off & starting a new brand. Just board of Linux now. Hard to do tech/tutorial videos requested when no support is given and they want it for free. Tech/tutorial videos go out of date to quickly and have no staying power. Renaming the podcast.