G30 59: Fairly Certain This Was A Movie Plot...

Published: Feb. 28, 2017, 10:10 a.m.

b"*Opening Scene* \\nScientist: We can't do that. \\nQuestionable/Secret Government Entity: HA! \\n\\n*Two weeks later*\\n(After an observation of the whole planet on fire) \\nJoe Blue Collar: Well... Guess we gotta find a new planet... \\n*Rolls Up Sleeves*\\n\\nYup. We'll get into that... \\n\\nBUT FIRST!!! \\n\\nAlex and JoJo bring on a beer by recommendation from Rindi!\\n\\nDelirium Tremens \\nhttps://www.delirium.be/en/beers\\n\\nThen we talk NASA finding 7 potentially habitable exoplanets a mere 39 light years away:\\nhttps://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-telescope-reveals-largest-batch-of-earth-size-habitable-zone-planets-around \\n\\nWhich we're going to need because Monkeys and Chimpanzees have entered the Stone Age:\\nhttp://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150818-chimps-living-in-the-stone-age\\n\\nAnd on these new planets we're going to need phones that last more than two years... \\n*Enter Nokia, Stage Left*\\n*Nokia Cracks Knuckles, Punches Audience in the Nostalgia*\\nNokia 3310 Resurrected: \\nhttp://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39095127\\n\\n*Climatic Plot Twist*\\nPlus, Episode 59's G30 Question of The Week:\\nOn a NASA trip to one of the newly discovered exoplanets what would be the most underrated role that no one is talking about?\\n\\n*End Scene*\\n*Roll Credits*\\n*Secret Awesome, but Significantly Vague After Credits Scene*\\n\\nG30 Happy Hour Will Return in Episode 60! \\n\\n\\n-Cheers!"