Two geeks with no name podcast: Series 1 Empires: Episode 1 The Klingons

Published: Jan. 18, 2010, 2:17 p.m.

b"With the 'Two Geeks With No Name' podcast you get two opinionated gets dissecting and disputing the social science in and behind a popular piece of science fiction (and who knows maybe one day fantasy.)

We're looking to get an even spread of disucssion material from TV, film, Books and were possible comics, games, radio and other media.

We're splitting it into thematically linked series of about 6 episodes- so for our first we'll be looking at Empires - by which we mean the states which dominate a particular SF universe.

For our first and pilot episode we chose the Klingon Empire simply becausebecuase there is so much material out there and wend our merry way through the analogies, relations and power of the Klingons with side tracks into the economics of Star Trek, Star Fleet diplomacy and Kirk branded cologne

For our second we're thinking of doing Dune (but only the first 3 books!)

We would love input from the audience on future ideas for both episodes (is there a particular SF Empire you would like to see dissected?) and themes for series (Law & order, rebel movements, Religion in SF are some of muted topics for future series.)

We're also open to name suggestions and possible logo rebranding.

Any ideas email:
