Scrolls Chapter 19: Recently Reading

Published: June 2, 2012, 9:17 p.m.


In which we focus in a little on the latest books that we\'ve plucked from the top of our bookstacks.\\xa0 In the absence of Mattie we are joined by \'The Grampus\' a.k.a Matt Farr from Dissecting Worlds.\\xa0 He kicks things off with Adrian Tchaikovsky\'s insect-themed fantasy, the\\xa0Shadows of the Apt.\\xa0 Clover follows this up with\\xa0Juggernaut, an explosive zombie actioner by Adam Baker set in the Gulf conflict.\\xa0 Next up, Phil tells us about Stacia Kane\'s stylish and grungy urban fantasy,\\xa0Unholy Ghosts.\\xa0 Dion then waxes lyrical about Jenny Nimmo\'s\\xa0The Snow Spider, a beautiful children\'s fantasy with a tragic heart.\\xa0 Finally Matt gives us a flavour of the prolific but oft under-appreciated weird fiction writer\\xa0Clark Ashton Smith.\\xa0 All of this is of course spiced with our usual blend of good humor and pettiness.

Stay tuned also for Adam Baker\'s first recorded interview on Juggernaut, after the main programme.

Feedback is always welcome.\\xa0 You can post comments here on GS, e-mail us at\\\\xa0or tweet us @scrollscast if you like.
If you want to get personal you can send abuse to @phlambler or pedantic diatribes to @thegrampus.\\xa0 @Dion_Scrolls is more partial to flattery or sponsorship deals from major ice-cream producers.\\xa0\\xa0

I\'m just saying...

Anyway, that\'s enough waffle.\\xa0 Keep reading.
