GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 246

Published: May 19, 2015, 12:17 p.m.


That\'s right geeks Monts and Nuge are back and this time they\'ve bought cake! Ok maybe not cake but they have bought a Podcast *


*Note Podcasts are never better than cake...NEVER!


Hot Potato


Simon Pegg Gate and\\xa0is scif-fi/comic book movies dumbing down cinema ?


Since this episode was recorded Simon gave a much fuller explanation behind his quotes and it is well worth a read.


Monts choice


In which Monts\\xa0trying to talk Nuge out of his hard earned spare time by trying to convince to read one of three comics he has


Week that was


Secret Wars 2


Arrow Season 3 finale






With this year\'s Sci-Fi London Festival just around the corner rather than a light year or two away the lads have a chat with festival organizer Louis Savy.


You can read up on the full Sci-Fi London programme\\xa0here




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