Episode 25 - Ask a Geek

Published: Nov. 9, 2008, 4:14 a.m.

b'Geek is Chic is a podcast where technology is fashionable and practical. In episode 25, Ask a Geek, I respond to your geeky questions. Here\'s the show notes for that episode of the podcast.\\n\\nGeek News\\nHonda unveils the wearable robotic walker.\\n\\nPodcast Recommendation\\nTimes Talks\\n\\nGeeky Questions\\nWinnie - When did you buy your first computer?\\nRachel - When did you know you where a geek?\\nBrooke - You asked us to get all inquisitive about things that are geeky. So I\'ll ask you a question about security. How do you keep yourself safe/ protected while having fun on the interwebs?\\nChris - How many of your "real life" friends are openly geek?\\n\\nWebsite Recommendation\\nHowToCleanStuff.net\\n\\nGeek In You\\nShopping for the Geek in your life.\\nIf money wasn\'t an object, what is the one gadget or tech goodie you would first get?\\nWhat gadgets are on your holiday list?\\nAre you using any websites or technology to help you with your holiday gift giving?\\n\\n\\nThe show ended with the song Lonely Together from the John Taglieri Special thanks to my friends at Ariel Publicity.\\n\\nLeave us a comment\\nlistener line (786) 693-2290\\nemail contact@geekischic.org'