Dale Reviews 8 - Transformers: Beast Wars

Published: April 12, 2013, 5:25 p.m.


Suggested by: CJ Boat

TITO Rating: 7

My interpretation of the plot:  Some animals cash into a misery planet then they meet some bad animals then they fight...transformer style!

Back story/Fun Fact: The show ran for three seasons. The first season ran from September 16th 1996 though to April 1st 1997. Season 2 ran from 26th of October 1997 though to March 13 1998 and season 3 ran from 13 October though to March 7th 1999.

Now for the review....I think if saw this back in the 90's (or if I was alive), I think I would have appreciated the graphics better. Saying that, I enjoyed the absolute corny dialogue and sort of the enjoyed the crappy graphics. 

Some other notes. I didn't really take any notes...but I did capture about 12-13 different sound clips (hence why I put the audio review up this week.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, you can email them directly to me at thechefwonder @ gmail . com (remove the spaces) or tweet them to me twitter.com/TheDaleCampbell and huge thanks to CJ and the Geek IO crew for letting me release the trannies each and every week!

Keep calm and tranny on!

