Making Something Out of Nothing (Johnson)

Published: March 15, 2020, 10 a.m.

Let’s face the reality of our reality today! First of all, we must admit that even the poorest of us in this congregation is blessed beyond belief in comparison to the rest of the world. When we consider how much we have versus how little others have...we have to admit it...we are blessed! Amen? Amen. But that brings up the great curse of our lives...yes...our blessings can in fact be a curse. We can have a tendency to make something out of nothing when we make our blessings out to be more important than the giver of our blessings. The rich young man in our Gospel today did that very thing but the lesson of his life for us is that Jesus is “Always Better” than anything this world has to offer. Rich or poor or somewhere in between...Jesus is “Always Better”...always!