Follow Me With Everything

Published: March 2, 2022, 10 a.m.

As we enter the penitential season of Lent, we do so recognizing that while we’re called by Jesus to follow Jesus wherever He goes, we often stray the path He lays out and “do our own thing” rather than what He wants us to do. Because “We Belong to Jesus”, though we all have our own lives and families and gifts and careers, we are nonetheless all called to the exact, same thing, namely to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and yes, follow Jesus. What does that look like for you...exactly? You and your Lord know. But one thing that we can unequivocally say about being a disciple of Jesus or follower of Christ, we are called to follow Him with every fiber of our being and every day of our lives. We are invited to seek forgiveness when we stray, but we are “His workmanship”, we belong to Him. We are therefore “created in Christ Jesus for good works” which He prepared ahead of time for us to do. We are called to live for Him each day and “Follow Him with Everything” as the Rich Young Ruler was.