Mary Babits Overfield Bookkeeper Author Mother (Women in Business Series)

Published: Oct. 21, 2020, 7:43 p.m.

b'Mary Babits Overfield \\xa0is a survivor and a thriver. \\xa0Marys story is the Phoenix story, \\xa0After years of building a successful business with her husband he got into some legal trouble cheated on her strung out the divorce, took all the money from the court settlement and ran off to Costa Rica. \\xa0Mary was forced into bankruptcy. \\xa0Mary used her skills in bookkeeping to build a book of clients and was able to sell the business a few years ago. \\xa0\\xa0Mary has built a smaller business doing the same so that she can focus her time working on her new book and getting ready for a speaking tour and traveling the globe. \\xa0You can rebuild your life. \\xa0It\\u2019s possible. \\xa0\\nWoman in Business series. \\xa0\\xa0#womaninbusiness\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message:'