Gaming Chords: A wrap-up of MINECON 2016

Published: Sept. 30, 2016, 5 p.m.

Under the umbrella network Startup Radio, Gaming Chords - in its first episode - recaps Minecon 2016 - the Mojang Minecraft celebration - which occurred during the last weekend of September 2016 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.  With 12,000 tickets sold, Minecon 2016 represented another successful sold out conference about all things Minecraft.  The show's host Charles Mudd discusses briefly the panel he presented with Shawn Stipe on Staying Safe Online.  He also highlights a panel that discussed the collaboration between Mojang and UN Habitat materialized in the 501(c)(3) organization Block by Block.  This collaboration uses Minecraft to improve urban developments throughout the world.  He also highlights Twitch's tournament space and some of the other exhibitors such as Jinx and Youth Digital.