Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 1:45 p.m.

How can we know the difference between a difficult person and a narcissist? When it is never about how you feel and always about them- that is one giant red flag. But in general when someone else is making you feel like you are living in a a different reality it is usually because they are the ones who are living in a different reality. These personality types are manipulative and you may never get an answer from a doctor about what is wrong with them because these people tend to refuse to go to a doctor because in THEIR reality nothing is wrong. If you are experiencing emotional pain I don’t need to tell you that you need to break away from someone who is making you hurt. You already know. Most of us just need to hear from someone else that we are not crazy and this list is here to do just that. If the person you are questioning does a lot of the things on this list then it’s time to leave.